Would I be delighted to receive this for my child?” This is the question to ask when looking to rehome your kids’ preloved goodies.
Items that are worn-out, broken, stained or damaged may be discarded.
We value every donation but sometimes we cannot re-home some items for a variety of reasons. When we cannot re-home an item we may on-donate to another children’s charity or selected Op Shops who support similar work.
Sometimes we may sell items that we cannot use at fairs or market days in which case all funds raised are used for local families in need. Please let us know if you do not wish items that you donate to be on-donated or used for We Care fundraising when they cannot be re-homed by us.
Baby baths – no stands or bath aids or bath/shower seats
Baby wearable carriers – Baby Bjorn or similar front carriers, but we do not re-home slings or backpack carriers
Baby wipes – unopened packets
Backpacks – all ages from pre-school to high school
Bassinets – modern bassinets with breathable mesh on all 4 sides
Bibs and burp cloths – only fabric bibs, no ties
Blankets – all types and sizes; doonas unstained and washed
Bottles, bottle warmers and other feeding equipment
Bottle sterilizers, both electric and microwave
Bouncers – must have a 3 or 5 point harness in working order
Breast pumps – manual and electric, sterilized and in good condition; and disposable breast pads Baby Play Gyms and Play Mats. No baby walkers, swings or rockers
Car Restraints – capsules, reversible car seats, older children car seats with tether strap (no foam boosters). Must meet standard AS/NZS 1754. Must be less than 7 years from the date of manufacture (2018 onwards) and has never been in an accident
Change tables – must be able to come apart or fold down
Children’s Books – new or in excellent condition
Children’s Clothing – 00000 – children’s size16: freshly laundered and sorted into gender/size please. Pyjamas and sleepwear – there must be no hoods on sleepwear
Children’s underwear and socks – new only
Cots & mattresses – it is essential they meet Standard AS/NZS 2172:2003 revised in 2005. Cots manufactured after January 2010. Please dismantle the cot and please ensure all the parts, screws, bolts etc are secured in a zip lock bag and taped to the base of the cot. Please donate with the original manual if possible
Dummies and teats – new and unopened
Gro-bags or infant sleeping bags – without hoods
Handbags – medium to large size in excellent condition suitable for young mums
Highchairs – with a safety harness and must meet Standard AS4684-2009. Please clean thoroughly before donating especially the straps.
Linen – freshly laundered bassinet, cot, single, double, queen and king bed size sheets, blankets, doona covers, mattress protectors and wraps. Towels and face washers.
Nappies – disposable, all sizes. Opened packs are OK. No swim nappies, re-usable nappies or incontinence products please
Nappy bags & changing mats
Personal care items for adults – unopened body wash, lotions, hair & beauty products, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes
Prams/strollers – Standard AS/NZS 2088: 2000. Must recline suitable for newborns. Must have 5 point harness, faultless brakes, full sun hood and underneath carry basket Please vacuum and clean before donating, and include the manuals if you can. Please – NO bassinet attachments without the pram
Pyjamas and sleepwear – there must be no hoods on sleepwear
Safety gates – please include all the spindles in a bag taped to the gate
Shoes – new or in excellent condition.
Sterilisers – microwave or electric
Toiletries – creams, bath wash etc. new and unopened, for mother and baby
Toys – ONLY SMALLER toys that can fit into a backpack. New for birthday presents and excellent condition used toys, games and puzzles. No rocking horses, large dolls houses, garages, play kitchens etc.
Due to safety regulations and storage issues, we cannot accept and re-home the following items:
Items that do not meet current Australian standards
Soiled, broken or incomplete items
Adult clothes
Baby swings
Baby walkers
Bath seats
Bath stands
Bean bags
Beds and bed mattresses
Bikes / Scooters / ride-ons
Bumbo seats
Car seats over 7 years old
Cot bumpers
High chairs without straps
Jolly jumpers
Moses baskets
Nappy wrapper bins
Nursery décor
Opened hygiene products
Travel cots
Potties and toilet steps
Pillows, unless NEW
Single beds
Suitcases and luggage
Swim aids, plastic pools
Tents and cubbies
Toys used unless in excellent condition.
No large toys, dolls houses, garages and similar.
Umbrella strollers light weight. We accept robust strollers.